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For those who have hearing difficulties, modern hearing aids can dramatically improve your daily communication and listening experiences. There are some situations, however, where hearing well can still be a major challenge, even with today's technologically advanced hearing aids.


Situations in which the source of sound is far away or there is excessive background noise are a common problem for those who suffer from a loss of hearing. Some examples of potentially challenging circumstances include meetings, plays, lectures, classrooms, restaurants, conferences, and parties. Talk with your audiologist to learn how these accessories can work with your existing hearing aids to improve your hearing in challenging sound environments.


ALD technologies are designed to work in tandem with your hearing aids to enhance and clarify sound. ALDs are usually wireless and designed for situations where the sound source is just out of audible range.

Frequency Modulated (FM Systems)

These common ALDs use FM frequencies to relay sound from a microphone, which is placed near the sound source, to a speaker placed close to the listener. Because FM signals are used for a large variety of communications, FM ALD systems' benefits can sometimes be limited because of unwanted interference

lnfrared Systems

lnfrared systems work in the same way as FM ALDs, but they use infrared light rather than radio waves to send sound. This is essentially the same technology as that used for remote controls. The major drawback is that any obstacle between the transmitter and the receiver will block the sound transmission.


lnductive Looping Systems

inductive audio loops use a wire loop that has been installed and connected to the sound system in a building. The inductive loop enables hearing aids equipped with a telecoil circuit or Bluetooth technology to connect directly the sound system in the building.

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Like most other electronics in today's world, hearing aids use Bluetooth technology to communicate wirelessly with other Bluetooth devices such as smartphones, computers, tablets, MP3 players, radios, televisions, entertainment systems, various hearing aid accessories, and more. By incorporating these helpful hearing accessories into your daily life, you can maximize the benefits of your hearing aids. Talk with your hearing care provider to find out which accessories will work best for your individual needs.


lf you wear hearing aids, you don't have to give up your passion for being active. New technologies such as waterproofing, shock-resistance, and wind suppression circuitry make it possible for the most active individuals to enjoy outdoor activities while wearing hearing aids.

Here are several examples of available accessories that can make your active life easier. For strong wind, like riding a bike or extremely dirty/dusty conditions, consider a hearing aid sock. lf you are going to be in the water, waterproof armbands and small pelican containers will allow you to carry your aids and have them close at hand. Electronic Dri-Aid kits will dehumidify, clean, and disinfect your aids on a daily basis to keep them in top shape.

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