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The Role of the Ex Utero Intrapartum Treatment (EXIT) Procedure in Prenatally Diagnosed Micrognathia: An Algorithm for Treatment as Demonstrated by 3 Cases

Authors: Yates DM, Woerner JE, Dashow J, and Ghali GE

In Press


Surgical Management of Orbital Hypertelorism

Authors: Yates DM, Woerner JE, and Ghali GE, Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Langdon, Patel, Ord, Brennan        

In Press

Cranium Bifidum Occultum Associated with Hypertelorism Treated with Posterior Vault Reconstruction and Orbital Box Osteotomies: Case Report and Technical Note

Authors: Dossani, RH, Yates DM, Kalakoti P, Nanda A, Notarianni C, Woerner J, Ghali GE, World Neurosurgery

Published 2017


Classification, Diagnosis, and Etiology of Craniofacial Deformities

Authors: Yates DM and Sinn DP, Maxillofacial Surgery, Peter Ward Booth

Published 2017


Problems and Complications of full-face carbon dioxide laser resurfacing for pathological lesions of the skin

Authors: Reed-Fuller A, Yates DM, Vu DD, Hoopman JE, Finn RF, OOOO. 123:1

Published 2017


Factors Determining Outcome After Trigeminal Nerve Surgery for Neuropathic Pain                       

Authors: Yates DM and Zuniga JR. JOMS.

Published: 2016 


Intraoral Bone Harvesting Techniques

Authors: Yates D, Brockhoff H, Finn R. Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Tiwana and Kademani

Published 2015  

Course of the Mandibular Incisive Canal and Its Impact on harvesting Symphysis Bone Grafts

Authors: Vu D, Brockhoff HC, Yates DM, Finn. JOMS. 73(2):258

Published 2015

Craniomaxillofacial Injuries in Children                                          

Authors: Yates DM and Tiwana P. OMS Knowledge Update

Published: 2014

The Presence of Neuropathic Pain Predicts Postoperative Neuropathic Pain Following Trigeminal Nerve Repair  

Authors: Zuniga J, Yates DM, Phillips CL. JOMS. 72(12):2422-7   

Published: 2014

Comparison of Intraoral Harvest Sites in Dentate Versus Edentulous Specimens

Authors: Brockhoff H, Yates D, Finn R, and Phillips. OOO 117(5): 575-580 

Published: 2014

Benign Cutaneous and Subcutaneous Lesions of the Head and Neck

Authors: Hompesch III RW, Yates D, Zide MF. JOMS. 72 (9) Supplement 174-175

Published: 2014

Overview of Obstructive Sleep Apnea – Pathophysiology and Treatment: What Works and What Doesn’t

Authors: Yates D, Finn R. SROMS 21(5): 1-27

Published: 2013


Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome (Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome): A Review of the Literature and Case Presentation

Authors Yates DM, Shirley B, Williams F. GHDS 84(9): 16.

Published: 2013

Comparison of Intraoral Harvest Sites for Corticocancanellous Bone Grafts

Authors: Yates DM, Brockhoff HC, Finn R, Phillips C. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 71:497

Published: 2013

Recurrence Rates of Non-melanoma Skin Cancers and Actinic Keratoses After Full Face CO2 Laser Resurfacing

Authors: Vu D, Yates DM, Finn R. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 71, Issue 9, Supplement 1, Pages e74-7   

Published: 2013


Traumatic Injuries to Mandibular Condyle.

Authors: Yates DM, Zuniga J, Zide M. 4th Edition of Fonseca’s Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma

Published: 2013


Biofilm Formation and Virulence Expression by Streptococcus mutans are altered when grown in a dual-species model

Authors: Wen T, Yates DM, Burne RA. BMC Micriobiol.

Published: 2010

Odonotogenic Keratocyst: A Review of the Literature and Presentation of a Case

Authors: Shirley B, Yates DM, Williams F 

Writing Manuscript

Comparing the Intraoral Versus Transfacial Approach for Repair of Mandibular Body Fractures and the Resulting Incidence of Neurosensory Deficit of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve

Authors: Burke T, Yates D, Zide M

Writing Manuscript

The Use of Allogeneic Cartilage for Grafting in Functional and Cleft Rhinoplasty: A Novel Study

Authors: Read-Fuller A, Yates DM, and Finn RA

Writing Manuscript

Secondary Alveolar Cleft Reconstruction with Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP): A Review of 57 Cases

Authors: Yates DM, Armuth S, Woerner J, and Ghali GE

Writing Manuscript

Education & Training Experience


LSU/Shreveport​ Cleft/Craniofacial/Pediatric Airway Fellow

Parkland/UTSW OMFS Residency Training Program


University of Texas Southwestern Medical School MD


University of Florida College of DentistryDMD


Wheaton College  BS

2014 - 2016

2008 - 2014







Dr. David M. Yates

Dr. David Yates is passionate about serving children with Craniofacial deformities and Cleft Lip and Palate. Additionally, he enjoys practicing the full scope of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. He attended Dental school at the University of Florida, Medical School at UT Southwestern in Dallas, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residency at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, and did a Fellowship in Craniofacial and Cleft Surgery at LSU Health Sciences Center. He currently serves as the Division Chief of Cranial and Facial Surgery at El Paso Children's Hospital. He gives numerous presentations at difference conferences around the country and has operated on kids from all over the world. 

His wife (Dr. Mariana Yates) serves as an Endocrinologist at Texas Tech Medical Center. Together they have 3 kids and have greatly enjoyed integrating into the great community of people here in El Paso.


DMD, M.D.| Diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 

Practice & Experience


El Paso Cleft Lip and Palate Team

Team Member

El Paso Children's Hospital

Division Chief of Craniofacial Surgery

West Texas Maxillofacial

Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon

Patzun, Guatemala

Guest Visiting Surgeon - Cleft Lip & Palate

Hospital for Children Marie Curie, Bucharest Romania

Guest Visiting Surgeon - Complex Cranial Defects/Syndromic Pediatric Patients

UTSW Medical School

Anatomy TA

Hospital Buen Pastor, San Quintin, Mexico

Two Month Hospital Externship

2017 - Present


2017 - Present

2016 - Present




2005 - 2007




Honors & Distinctions


Reviewer for the Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Journal     


Diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral Abstract Scientific Presentation Award – AAOMS, San Diego


Certificate of Appreciation for a “Heroic Act of Displaying Extreme Courage”

OMSF Research Scholarship       


Jack T Bechtel Scholarship (Brevard Heart Foundation)   


Omicron Kappa Upsilon

AAOMS Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - Dental Student Award

The Pierre Fauchard Academy Merit Award


Hinman Scholar

ADA Foundation Dental Student Scholarship

1st Place DMD Student Research, UFCD Research Day

Fredrick W. and Grace P. Brecht Scholarship  


Student Speaker at 2008 UF Dental School Graduation


President of Christian Medial Dental Association /  Christian Dental Society: 2006 - 2007


White Coat Ceremony Speaker - 2006

Member of Christian Medial Dental Association /  Christian Dental Society: 2004 - 2008



Lecture Presentation: En Voz Alta, Nov 2016

Craniofacial Syndromes and Associated Hearing Loss


Lecture Presentation: 54th Annual El Paso Dental Conference, 

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders: From Conservative Management to Total Joint Replacement

Lecture Presentation: ACPCA National Meeting 2016, Atlanta, GA,

Ex Utero Intrapartum Therapy (EXIT) Procedure


Poster Presentation: ACPCA National Meeting 2016,  Atlanta, GA, 

Alveolar Bone Grafts and BMP


Poster Presentation: ACPCA National Meeting 2016, Atlanta, GA,

A Pilot Investication Into the Roles of Mental Health Professionals on Cleft/Craniofacial Teams: Comparing Current Practice to the ACPA Parameters.

Oral Abstract Presentation: AAOMS North American Conference 2013, Orlando, 

Processed Nerve Allograft for Trigeminal Nerve Repair: Safety and Effectiveness in Sensory Nerve Reconstruction


Oral Abstract Presentation: AAOMS North American Conference 2012, San Diego, CA

Factors Associated with the Recurrence or Resolution of Neuropathic Pain

Poster Presentation for IAOMS Conference 2011, Santiago, Chile

Comparison of Intraoral Harvest Sites for Cancellous and Cortical Bone Grafts 

Oral Abstract Presentation: AAOMS North American Conference 2011, Philadelphia, PA

Comparison of Intraoral Harvest Sites for Cancellous and Cortical Bone Grafts 

Poster Presentation: OMSF Research Symposium 2011, Chicago, IL

Oral Abstract Presentation: Southwest Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Annual Meeting 2010

Risk Factors Associated with Neuropathic Pain Following Trigeminal Nerve Repair 

Oral Abstract Presentation: AAOMS National Meeting 2009, Toronto, Canada    

American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons     


Poster: Hinman Student Research Symposium 2005, Memphis, TN

Poster: National ADA Convention 2005, Philadelphia, PA

Poster: IADR/AADR Conference 2004, Baltimore, MD     

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